Thursday, February 10, 2011

Indy Pro Showcase - Day 2

Here's the final video update from the Indy Pro Showcase in Fort Myers. I just want to thank all of you who have emailed, texted and posted comments supporting me on this trip down south. It means a lot to me and I read each and every one.

I will be back on Wednesday with a regularly scheduled column that will hopefully include a qualitative analysis of my performance at the tryout as well as video of my pitching performance from Day 2 complete with my commentary.



  1. Great work man.

    Glad to see you took something off in Day 2 because of the pain - sounds like you had better control and used more of your pitches. A great learning as you move forward.

    I am sure you will continue to kick ass as you get to the next try-out. Also, at the very least you got to spend a week in fucking Florida while we froze our asses off up here haha.

    Anyway Mike, keep it up and rest that arm.


  2. Hi Guys - sounds like everything went really well - good stuff Mike! Did you use the arnica?? Loved watching the videos - enjoy your last day in the sun - really cold here.
    See you soon
    Carey & Dave
