Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Strength and Conditioning Update

I figured I would spare the regular visitors to this blog the pleasure of once again reading one of my dissertations on the art of achieving perfect pitching mechanics like I was Stephen Hawking discussing string theory.

(Using that comparison in no way means I think I am as knowledgeable about pitching as Hawking is knowledgeable about the inner workings of the universe; I merely mean that I’m sure both topics would eventually cause most people to glaze over in complete disinterest).

Thus, I decided to spend this week’s column updating my progress on my strength and conditioning regimen. I last touched on my travails in the gym back in December (read it here), which detailed my fascination with heavy weight, multi-joint functional movements all completed at a breakneck intensity. I’ve continued training hard since then, but have recently had to taper my workouts because I need to be fresh during my throwing sessions under the watchful eyes of scouts and coaches, and also for another reason which I’ll explain in a moment.

I continued setting personal records in a variety of different lifts and metabolic conditioning workouts well into the New Year. As for my upward trending bodyweight and march towards 200lbs? I’ve stalled just short of the summit: 195lbs. I’ve been at 195 for probably six to eight weeks; putting on that last five pounds proved to be an insurmountable climb.

If I had more time remaining in the offseason, I think I could reach 200lbs but, as I’ve mentioned previously, I’ve been forced to dial back my workouts to ensure I’m fresh to take the mound when it matters most. However, I’m more than confident that I will not see another precipitous drop-off in weight throughout the course of the summer. I should be able to plan my workouts in such a way as to maintain my current strength base and bodyweight, with little to no effect on my pitching prowess, and be fresh and strong during the dog days of August.

The other reason I’ve had to lessen the intensity and volume of my workouts is that I’ve entered myself in a fitness competition called the Crossfit Games. It’s a search to find the world’s fittest man and woman. The world championships are held in Los Angeles in July (yes, there would be a conflict with baseball but, fear not, I am nowhere near strong or fit enough to qualify).

There are feeder competitions all over the world to find the athletes who will compete for the annual title. Last year, I entered an Ontario Sectional competition which fed into a Regional and then led to the final competition. I placed 38th out of 100 in the Sectional last year.

This year, the Sectional component is taking place online with one workout every week for six weeks, with each workout having to be completed at a registered Crossfit affiliate for judging purposes. I am competing in the Canada East region which comprises Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces.

The top 60 in each region qualify for the Regional competition in Toronto in early June. Thus far, through four workouts, I am in 80th place out of 412 athletes. Obviously, the talent pool is much greater than it was last year, with a greater geographic area to cull from, so I am quite pleased with my results thus far.

Crunching some numbers, last year I languished in the top 40%, whereas this year I’ve been able to crack the top 20% with two workouts remaining in the Sectional competition. I would like to crack the top 60 even though it is doubtful I would be able to attend the Regionals; however, it would be a nice accomplishment.

Obviously, my hard work in the gym has paid off in the strength and conditioning realm, let’s just hope I’m able to carry that over to the baseball field in Brockton in a couple of weeks.

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